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Grace Hughes
Mar 16, 2023

Kayleigh Flanagan, a Marketing Executive Apprentice at StLeonards Hospice in York, has been making waves in her industry thanks to her apprenticeship with Apprentify. Her case study is a testament to the benefits of apprenticeships and the value they provide to individuals and businesses alike.

Immense Learning Opportunities

Kayleigh's experience with Apprentify has exceeded her expectations. She initially didn't realise just how much work would be involved, but she has since discovered the immense learning opportunities that come with an apprenticeship. The thorough education provided by Apprentify has been incredibly helpful, and the integration of that learning into the workplace has worked seamlessly. With a BUD learning plan in place, Kayleigh and her peers attend virtual classrooms once or twice a month, where they learn about the topic for that month before going away to complete tasks and apply their new knowledge in their own workplaces.

I think that’s where it differs from any of education I have had before, because you are really consolidating and re-learning things so that they really stick.

Earn while you Learn

The value of apprenticeships goes beyond just the learning opportunities, however. For individuals, apprenticeships offer a chance to earn while they learn, gaining practical experience and developing key skills that will set them up for long-term success. For businesses, apprenticeships provide access to a talented pool of individuals who are motivated and eager to learn. Hiring an apprentice can also bring new perspectives and fresh ideas to a business, helping them to stay innovative and competitive in their industry.

Tailored Learning to Business

There are many reasons why apprenticeships are a fantastic option for both individuals and businesses. For one, apprenticeships are highly flexible and can be tailored to meet the needs of each apprentice and their employer. This means that apprenticeships can be customised to fit the unique goals and objectives of each business, ensuring that the apprenticeship experience is meaningful and valuable for everyone involved.

Government Funded

Additionally, apprenticeships are a cost-effective way to train and develop staff. With government funding available to support apprenticeships, businesses can invest in their workforce without breaking the bank. Apprenticeships also help to reduce staff turnover, as apprentices are more likely to stay with a company once they have completed their training.

Kayleigh's case study is a powerful example of the benefits of apprenticeships. By choosing to pursue an apprenticeship with Apprentify, Kayleigh has gained invaluable experience and knowledge that will set her up for long-term success in her career. At the same time, St Leonards Hospice has benefited from having a motivated and skilled individual on their team. Apprenticeships are a win-win for everyone involved, and they should be considered by anyone looking to develop their skills or invest in their workforce.